
Whether you are a complete beginner or a more seasoned fish-keeper we’re sure you’ll find our information and advice articles helpful.

We have general information about fish tanks and fish keeping as well as articles geared towards freshwater or saltwater aquariums.


Freshwater Aqaurium

Information and Advice for Freshwater Aquariums


Saltwater Fish Tank

Guidance, Tips and Advice for Saltwater Enthusiasts


Fish Tank General

General information about fish tanks and fish keeping

Latest Information Posts

  • Common Marine Fish Diseases and Treatments
    Marine fish diseases are as common as those in freshwater but can also be more deadly and costly. Marine fish are not cheap and you’ll need to do all you can to prevent diseases from getting into your tank. Make sure you closely look over any new fish for signs of disease and quarantine them, … Read more
  • How to Set Up a Quarantine Fish Tank
    Setting up a quarantine (or hospital) fish tank is a great idea if you wish to become a serious fishkeeper. Not only can you use it to isolate and treat sick fish, but you can also quarantine new fish until you are sure they are 100% healthy and disease-free. You can also use it to … Read more
  • Common Tropical Fish Diseases and Treatments
    Fish diseases are as common as those found in other animals and can have several causes. One of the main factors that contribute significantly to fish disease is the lowering of the immune system through stress. Stress is caused primarily by poor water quality but also by other factors such as overcrowding, bullying, or failing … Read more
  • How To Take Better Marine Aquarium Pics
    Your marine aquarium is looking fantastic, right? Full of vibrant colour and movement. Your coral’s colours ‘pop’ under your marine aquarium lighting and your fish are simply stunning and you want to share your marine world with friends, family and online. So, you grab your smartphone and start taking pics to share, only to run … Read more
  • Best Freshwater Fish Tank Starter Kit
    If you’re looking at getting started in freshwater tropical fishkeeping the huge choice of available tanks can be a bit bewildering. Different shapes, sizes, cubes, cylindrical, rectangular, internal filters, external filters, lighting and heating options… Where do you start!? For the beginner, we strongly recommend an all-in-one freshwater fish tank starter kit that includes all … Read more
  • Gifts For Aquarium Lovers
    Do you have a family member, friend, or loved one who keeps an aquarium? Do you want to know what they would love to receive as a gift? For a birthday or any special occasion, anything that is aqaurium related is sure to go down well. We’ve come up with a great list of gift … Read more
  • Keeping Freshwater Shrimp and Snails
    Keeping freshwater shrimp and snails not only adds to the biodiversity of your tank but also helps to maintain it. Both are natural scavengers and will happily devour uneaten fish food and other waste. This will help to keep nitrates and phosphates low, helping you prevent nuisance algae. Of course, that’s not the only reason … Read more
  • Fish Tank Power Consumption
    In these days of high energy costs, you may wonder how much your fish tank (or tanks) cost to run. Apart from food and general maintenance costs, the biggest cost of running a fish tank is the cost of the energy needed to power your lighting, heaters, pumps, and other equipment. It can all soon … Read more
  • Best Saltwater Fish Tank Starter Kit
    You may have seen a beautiful saltwater tank at a friend’s house, at your local fish store, or online and want to take the plunge… Maybe you already are an experienced freshwater fish tank owner and want to move over to saltwater… Either way, you’ll know that whilst saltwater fish tanks look fabulous, they are … Read more
  • Best Corals For Beginners
    If you are new to reef keeping it can be very confusing as to which corals to choose… some are hard to keep and some are relatively easy. Likewise, some corals are relatively cheap whilst others are very expensive and you don’t want to be blowing a ton of money experimenting. Don’t be tempted to … Read more