Using Co2 For A Planted Aquarium

Like all plants, aquatic plants need three main elements to grow and thrive: light, Co2 and nutrients. As they photosynthesise, plants use the energy from light to convert the Co2 to oxygen and sugars for food, allowing them to grow and propagate. They need a constant supply of Co2 during daylight hours or they will … Read more

Best Freshwater Community Tank Fish

When you first start out as a freshwater fish-keeper it can be somewhat bewildering when trying to decide which fish you want to keep. Guppies, Mollies, Tetras, Anglefish, Catfish, Loaches, Barbs, etc. which do you choose? Obviously, most people, when starting out go for the fish they most like the look of but it’s important … Read more

Marine Aquarium Lighting Guide

Marine aquariums require special lighting if you wish to keep corals. Corals contain zooxanthellae, a kind of algae, that photosynthesizes light into food and oxygen for itself and for the coral… but not just any light… they require a particular spectrum of light… While this is a complex subject and can be overwhelming for beginners, … Read more

DIY Two Part Dosing Recipe

Ok, so you’re at the stage where you know you’ll need to dose your reef tank with Calcium, Alkalinity and Magnesium as your growing corals deplete it. Maybe you’ve already tried several different dosing supplements or even tried making your own. You could have already invested in a dosing pump or are thinking about it… … Read more

Best Reef Tank Dosing Supplements

A reef tank dosing supplement is simply a chemical solution that you add to your tank to replace those used by your corals and invertebrates. The chemical elements of Carbonate (Alkalinity), Calcium and Magnesium are the main ones used by corals as they grow. Regular testing will establish which elements are being used up and … Read more